Source code for pleque.core.fluxsurface

import numpy as np
from shapely import geometry

from pleque.core import Coordinates
from pleque.utils.decorators import *

[docs]class Surface(Coordinates):
[docs] def __init__(self, equilibrium, *coordinates, coord_type=None, grid=False, **coords): """ Calculates geometrical properties of a specified surface. To make the contour closed, the first and last points in the passed coordinates have to be the same. Instance is obtained by calling method `surface` in instance of `Equilibrium`. :param coords: Instance of coordinate class """ super().__init__(equilibrium, *coordinates, coord_type=None, grid=False, **coords) points_RZ = self.as_array(('R', 'Z')) # closed surface has to have identical first and last points and then the shape is polygon # opened surface is linestring if np.isclose(points_RZ[0, 0], points_RZ[-1, 0]) and np.isclose(points_RZ[0, 1], points_RZ[-1, 1]): self._poly = geometry.polygon.Polygon(points_RZ) self._string = geometry.linestring.LineString(points_RZ) self._closed = True else: self._string = geometry.linestring.LineString(points_RZ) self._closed = False
@property def closed(self): """ True if the fluxsurface is closed. :return: """ return self._closed @property def area(self): """ Area of the closed fluxsurface. :return: """ if self._closed: return self._poly.area else: raise Exception("Opened Flux Surface does not have area") @property def length(self): """ Length of the fluxsurface contour :return: """ return self._string.length @property def surface(self): """ Surface of fluxsurface calculated from the contour length using Pappus centroid theorem : :return: float """ return self._string.length * 2 * np.pi * self.centroid.R[0] @property def centroid(self): return self._eq.coordinates(R=np.array(self._string.centroid.coords)[0][0], Z=np.array(self._string.centroid.coords)[0][0], coord_type=["R", "Z"]) @property def volume(self): """ Volume of the closed fluxsurface calculated from the area using Pappus centroid theorem : :return: float """ if self._closed: return self._poly.area * 2 * np.pi * self.centroid.R[0] else: raise Exception("Opened Flux Surface does not have area") @property def diff_volume(self): """ Diferential volume :math:`V' = dV/d\psi` Jardin, S.: Computational Methods in Plasma Physics :return: """ if not hasattr(self, '_diff_volume'): self._diff_volume = self._eval_diff_vol() return self._diff_volume def _eval_diff_vol(self): Rs = (self.R[1:] + self.R[:-1]) / 2 Zs = (self.Z[1:] + self.Z[:-1]) / 2 dpsi = self._eq.diff_psi(Rs, Zs) dl = self.dists return 2 * np.pi * np.sum(Rs * dl / dpsi)
[docs]class FluxSurface(Surface):
[docs] def __init__(self, equilibrium, *coordinates, coord_type=None, grid=False, **coords): """ Calculates geometrical properties of the flux surface. To make the contour closed, the first and last points in the passed coordinates have to be the same. Instance is obtained by calling method `flux_surface` in instance of `Equilibrium`. :param coords: Instance of coordinate class """ # FluxSurface can use only equilibrium default inner cocos (!). super().__init__(equilibrium, *coordinates, coord_type=None, grid=False, cocos=equilibrium.cocos, **coords)
@property def eval_q(self): if not hasattr(self, '_q'): self._q = self.get_eval_q('sum') return self._q
[docs] def get_eval_q(self, method): """ Evaluete q usiong formula (5.35) from [Jardin, 2010: Computational methods in Plasma Physics] :param method: str, ['sum', 'trapz', 'simps'] :return: """ # psi_sign = self._eq._psi_sign cc = self.cocos_dict['sigma_Bp'] * self.cocos_dict['sigma_pol'] return cc * self._eq.F(psi_n=np.mean(self.psi_n), grid=False) / \ (2 * np.pi) ** (1 - self.cocos_dict['exp_Bp']) * \ self.surface_average(1 / self.R ** 2, method=method)
@property def straight_fieldline_theta(self): r""" Calculate straight field line :math:`\theta^*` coordinate. :return: """ from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline from import arglis if not hasattr(self, '_straight_fieldline_theta'): h = 1 / self.R ** 2 izero = np.asscalar(np.argmin(np.mod(self.theta, 2 * np.pi))) avg = self.surface_average(h) cum_avg = self.cumsum_surface_average(h, roll=izero) # ret = np.roll(ret, amin) theta_star = 2 * np.pi * cum_avg / avg # generate splines: theta4spl = np.mod(self.theta, 2 * np.pi) th_st4spl = theta_star amin = np.asscalar(np.argmin(theta4spl)) theta4spl = np.roll(theta4spl, -amin) th_st4spl = np.roll(th_st4spl, -amin) # todo: this part is for testing try: self._theta2thetastar_spl = CubicSpline(theta4spl, th_st4spl, extrapolate='periodic') except Exception: # the sequence is not always strictly increasing. # so get the increasing subsequence alis = arglis(theta4spl) theta4spl = theta4spl[alis] th_st4spl = th_st4spl[alis] self._theta2thetastar_spl = CubicSpline(theta4spl, th_st4spl, extrapolate='periodic') try: self._thetastar2theta_spl = CubicSpline(th_st4spl, theta4spl, extrapolate='periodic') except Exception: alis = arglis(th_st4spl) theta4spl = theta4spl[alis] th_st4spl = th_st4spl[alis] self._thetastar2theta_spl = CubicSpline(th_st4spl, theta4spl, extrapolate='periodic') self._straight_fieldline_theta = theta_star return self._straight_fieldline_theta @property def tor_current(self): """ Return toroidal current through the closed flux surface :return: """ if not hasattr(self, '_tor_current'): self._tor_current = self._eval_tor_current() return self._tor_current def _eval_tor_current(self): """ Evalute magnitude of toroidal current through :return: """ from scipy.constants import mu_0 # TODO: Precision of this method is quite poor. rel_err ~ 10e-5 # * Try improve precision by different integration techniques. # * Increase fluxsurface position # * Is it numeric error? diff_psi = self._eq.diff_psi(self.R, self.Z) cc_coef = self.cocos_dict['sigma_Bp'] / (2 * np.pi) ** self.cocos_dict['exp_Bp'] return cc_coef * 1 / mu_0 * self.surface_average(diff_psi ** 2 / self.R ** 2) @property @deprecated('Useless, will be removed. Use `abc` instead of `abc.contour`.') def contour(self): """ Depracated. Fluxsurface contour points. :return: numpy ndarray """ return self
[docs] def cumsum_surface_average(self, func, roll=0): r""" Return the surface average (over single magnetic surface) value of `func`. Return the value of integration .. math:: <func>(\psi)_i = \oint_0^{\theta_i} \frac{\mathrm{d}l R}{|\nabla \psi|}a(R, Z) :param func: func(X, Y), Union[ndarray, int, float] :return: ndarray """ import inspect Rs = (self.R[1:] + self.R[:-1]) / 2 Zs = (self.Z[1:] + self.Z[:-1]) / 2 diff_psi = self._eq.diff_psi(Rs, Zs) if inspect.isclass(func) or inspect.isfunction(func): func_val = func(Rs, Zs) elif isinstance(func, float) or isinstance(func, int): func_val = func else: func_val = (func[1:] + func[:-1]) / 2 val = self.dists * Rs / diff_psi * func_val val = np.roll(val, -roll) ret = np.cumsum(val) ret = np.hstack((0, ret)) ret = np.roll(ret, +roll) return ret
[docs] def surface_average(self, func, method='sum'): r""" Return the surface average (over single magnetic surface) value of `func`. Return the value of integration .. math:: <func>(\psi) = \oint \frac{\mathrm{d}l R}{|\nabla \psi|}a(R, Z) :param func: func(X, Y), Union[ndarray, int, float] :param method: str, ['sum', 'trapz', 'simps'] :return: """ import inspect from scipy.integrate import trapz, simps if method == 'sum': Rs = (self.R[1:] + self.R[:-1]) / 2 Zs = (self.Z[1:] + self.Z[:-1]) / 2 else: Rs = self.R Zs = self.Z diff_psi = self._eq.diff_psi(Rs, Zs) if inspect.isclass(func) or inspect.isfunction(func): func_val = func(Rs, Zs) elif isinstance(func, float) or isinstance(func, int): func_val = func else: if method == 'sum': func_val = (func[1:] + func[:-1]) / 2 else: func_val = func l = np.hstack((0, np.cumsum(self.dists))) if method == 'sum': ret = np.sum(self.dists * Rs / diff_psi * func_val) elif method == 'trapz': ret = trapz(Rs / diff_psi * func_val, l) elif method == 'simps': ret = simps(Rs / diff_psi * func_val, l) else: ret = None return ret
[docs] def contains(self, coords: Coordinates): points_RZ = coords.as_array(('R', 'Z'))[0, :] if self._closed: pnt = geometry.point.Point(points_RZ) return self._poly.contains(pnt) else: raise Exception("Opened Flux Surface does not have area")
[docs] def distance(self, coords: Coordinates): point = geometry.Point(coords.as_array()[0]) distance = self._string.distance(point) return distance
@property def max_radius(self): ''' maximum radius on the given flux surface :return: ''' return np.max(self.R) @property def min_radius(self): ''' minimum radius on the given flux surface :return: ''' return np.min(self.R) @property def minor_radius(self): ''' a= (R_min - R_max)./2 :return: ''' return (np.max(self.R) - np.min(self.R)) * 0.5 @property def geom_radius(self): ''' Geometrical radius a= (R_min + R_max)./2 :return: ''' return (np.max(self.R) + np.min(self.R)) * 0.5 @property def elongation(self): ''' Elongation :return: ''' return (np.max(self.Z) - np.min(self.Z)) * 0.5 / self.minor_radius @property def triangul_up(self): ''' Upper triangularity :return: ''' imax = np.argmax(self.Z) zma1 = self.R[imax] rep = (self.geom_radius - zma1) / self.minor_radius return rep @property def triangul_low(self): ''' Lower triangularity :return: ''' imin = np.argmin(self.Z) zma1 = self.R[imin] rep= (self.geom_radius - zma1) / self.minor_radius return rep @property def triangularity(self): ''' triangularity :return: ''' rep = (self.triangul_up + self.triangul_low) * 0.5 return rep