Source code for pleque.core.coordinates

from import Sequence
import itertools

import numpy as np
import xarray

from pleque.utils.decorators import deprecated
import pleque.utils.flux_expansions as flux_expansion
from .cocos import cocos_coefs
from scipy.interpolate import splprep, splev

[docs]class Coordinates(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, equilibrium, *coordinates, coord_type=None, grid=False, cocos=None, **coords): r""" Basic PLEQUE class to handle various coordinate systems in tokamak equilibrium. :param equilibrium: :param *coordinates: * Can be skipped. * ``array (N, dim)`` - ``N`` points will be generated. * One, two are three comma separated one dimensional arrays. :param coord_type: :param grid: :param cocos: Define coordinate system cocos. Id `None` equilibrium default cocos is used. If `equilibrium is None` cocos = 3 (both systems cnt-clockwise) is used. :param **coords: Lorem ipsum. Default coordinate systems -------------------------- - **1D**: :math:`\psi_\mathrm{N}`, - **2D**: :math:`(R, Z)`, - **3D**: :math:`(R, Z, \phi)`. Accepted coordinates types -------------------------- **1D - coordinates** +------------------------+-----------+------------------------------+ | Coordinate | Code | Note | +========================+===========+==============================+ |:math:`\psi_\mathrm{N}` | ``psi_n`` | Default 1D coordinate | +------------------------+-----------+------------------------------+ |:math:`\psi` | ``psi`` | | +------------------------+-----------+------------------------------+ |:math:`\rho` | ``rho`` | :math:`\rho = \sqrt{\psi_n}` | +------------------------+-----------+------------------------------+ **2D - coordintares** +------------------------+--------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Coordinate | Code | Note | +========================+==============+=================================================+ |:math:`(R, Z)` | ``R, Z`` | Default 2D coordinate | +------------------------+--------------+-------------------------------------------------+ |:math:`(r, \theta)` | ``r, theta`` | Polar coordinates with respect to magnetic axis | +------------------------+--------------+-------------------------------------------------+ **3D - coordinates** +------------------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | Coordinate | Code | Note | +========================+===============+=================================================+ |:math:`(R, Z, \phi)` | ``R, Z, phi`` | Default 3D coordinate | +------------------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------+ |:math:`(X, Y, Z)` | ``(X, Y, Z)`` | Polar coordinates with respect to magnetic axis | +------------------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------+ """ self._eq = equilibrium self._valid_coordinates = {'R', 'Z', 'psi_n', 'psi', 'rho', 'r', 'theta', 'phi', 'X', 'Y'} self._valid_coordinates_1d = {('psi_n',), ('psi',), ('rho',)} self._valid_coordinates_2d = {('R', 'Z'), ('r', 'theta')} self._valid_coordinates_3d = {('R', 'Z', 'phi'), ('X', 'Y', 'Z')} self.dim = -1 # init only self.grid = grid if cocos is None: if equilibrium is None: self.cocos = 3 else: self.cocos = equilibrium.cocos else: self.cocos = cocos self.cocos_dict = cocos_coefs(self.cocos) self._evaluate_input(*coordinates, coord_type=coord_type, **coords)
def __iter__(self): if self.grid: raise TypeError('Grid is not iterable at the moment.') if self.dim == 1: for psi in self.psi: yield psi elif self.dim == 2: for i in np.arange(len(self.x1)): r = self.x1[i] z = self.x2[i] yield r, z def __len__(self): if self.grid: return len(self.x1) * len(self.x2) else: return len(self.x1) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Coordinates): if self.dim != other.dim or self.grid != other.grid or len(self) != len(other): return False if self.dim == 0: return True elif self.dim == 1: return np.allclose(self.psi_n, other.psi_n) elif self.dim == 2: return np.allclose(self.R, other.R) and np.allclose(self.Z, other.Z) elif self.dim == 3: return np.allclose(self.R, other.R) and np.allclose(self.Z, other.Z) and np.allclose(self.phi, other.phi) return False # def sort(self, order): # pass @property def R(self): if self.dim >= 2: return self.x1 @property def Z(self): if self.dim >= 2: return self.x2 @property def psi(self): if not hasattr(self, '_psi'): if self.dim == 1: self._psi = self._eq._psi_axis + self.x1 * (self._eq._psi_lcfs - self._eq._psi_axis) elif self.dim >= 2: psi = self._eq._spl_psi(self.x1, self.x2, grid=self.grid) if self.grid: self._psi = psi.T else: self._psi = psi return self._psi @property def psi_n(self): if not hasattr(self, '_psi_n'): if self.dim == 1: self._psi_n = self.x1 elif self.dim >= 2: self._psi_n = (self.psi - self._eq._psi_axis) / (self._eq._psi_lcfs - self._eq._psi_axis) return self._psi_n @property def rho(self): return np.sqrt(self.psi_n) @property def r(self): r_mgax, z_mgax = self._eq._mg_axis return np.sqrt((self.x1 - r_mgax) ** 2 + (self.x2 - z_mgax) ** 2) @property def theta(self): r_mgax, z_mgax = self._eq._mg_axis cc_coef = - self.cocos_dict['sigma_pol'] * self.cocos_dict['sigma_cyl'] return np.arctan2(cc_coef * (self.x2 - z_mgax), (self.x1 - r_mgax)) @property def r_mid(self): return self._eq._rmid_spl(self.psi) @property def phi(self): return self.x3 @property def X(self): if self.dim >= 2: return self.R * np.cos(self.phi) @property def Y(self): if self.dim >= 2: cocos_coef = self.cocos_dict['sigma_cyl'] return cocos_coef * self.R * np.sin(self.phi)
[docs] def mesh(self): if self.dim != 2 or not self.grid: raise TypeError('mesh can be returned only for 2d grid coordinates.') return np.meshgrid(self.x1, self.x2)
# todo # @property # def r_mid(self): # """ # Midplane coordinate. # :return: # """ # # # return
[docs] def resample(self, multiple=None): """ Return new, resampled instance of `pleque.Coordinates` :param multiple: int, use multiple to multiply number of points. :return: pleque.Coordinates """ # TODO: TEST ME (!!!!!!) grid = self.grid eq = self._eq if self.dim == 1: psi_n = self.psi_n len_psi_n = len(psi_n) psi_n = np.interp(np.arange(len_psi_n * multiple), multiple * np.arange(len_psi_n), psi_n) return Coordinates(eq, psi_n, grid=grid) elif self.dim == 2: rs = self.R zs = self.Z len_rs = len(rs) len_zs = len(zs) rs = np.interp(np.arange(len_rs * multiple), multiple * np.arange(len_rs), rs) zs = np.interp(np.arange(len_zs * multiple), multiple * np.arange(len_zs), zs) return Coordinates(eq, rs, zs, grid=grid) elif self.dim == 3: rs = self.R zs = self.Z phi = self.phi len_rs = len(rs) len_zs = len(zs) len_phi = len(phi) rs = np.interp(np.arange(len_rs * multiple), multiple * np.arange(len_rs), rs) zs = np.interp(np.arange(len_zs * multiple), multiple * np.arange(len_zs), zs) phi = np.interp(np.arange(phi * multiple), multiple * np.arange(len_phi), phi) return Coordinates(eq, rs, zs, phi, grid=grid) else: return Coordinates(eq)
[docs] def resample2(self, npoints): """ Implicit spline curve interpolation for the limiter, number of points must be specified :param coords: instance of coordinates object :param npoints: int - number of points of the result """ ### TODO: deal with different coordinate systems and dimensions eq = self._eq dists=self.cum_length tck, u = splprep([self.R, self.Z],u=dists,k=1,s=0) t=np.linspace(np.amin(u),np.amax(u),npoints) rs,zs = splev(t, tck) new_coords=Coordinates(eq, rs, zs) return new_coords
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ :param ax: Axis to which will be plotted. Default is plt.gca() :param kwargs: Arguments forwarded to matplotlib plot function. :return: """ # todo: THis function should be somewhere else. A function taking coordinates as input.... import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if self.dim == 1: ax.plot(self.psi_n, **kwargs) else: ax.plot(self.R, self.Z, **kwargs)
[docs] def intersection(self, coords2, dim=None): """ input: 2 sets of coordinates crossection of two lines (2 sets of coordinates) :param dim: reduce number of dimension in which is the intersection searched :return: """ from shapely import geometry dim_ = np.max((dim, self.dim, coords2.dim)) if self.grid: raise ValueError("grid ") coor1 = geometry.linestring.LineString(self.as_array(dim=dim_)) coor2 = geometry.linestring.LineString(coords2.as_array(dim=dim_)) intersec = coor1.intersection(coor2) if isinstance(intersec, geometry.MultiLineString) or intersec.is_empty: return None elif intersec is not None: intersec = np.array(intersec).T return self._eq.coordinates(R=intersec[0], Z=intersec[1], coord_type=["R", "Z"]) else: return None
[docs] def as_array(self, dim=None, coord_type=None): """ Return array of size (N, dim), where N is number of points and dim number of dimensions specified by coord_type :param dim: reduce the number of dimensions to dim (todo) :param coord_type: not effected at the moment (TODO) :return: """ # TODO integrate with numpy _as_array if self.dim == 0: return np.array(()) # coord_type_ = self._verify_coord_type(coord_type) elif dim == 1 or self.dim == 1: return np.asanyarray(self.x1) elif dim == 2 or self.dim == 2: if self.grid: x1, x2 = self.mesh() return np.vstack((x1.ravel(), x2.ravel())).T # x1 = x1.ravel() # x2 = x2.ravel() # return np.array([x1, x2]).T else: return np.atleast_2d([self.x1, self.x2]).T elif dim == 3 or self.dim == 3: # todo: replace this by split method return np.asarray([self.x1, self.x2, self.x3]).T
[docs] def normal_vector(self): """ Calculate limiter normal vector with fw input directly from eq class :param first_wall: interpolated first wall :return: array (3, N_vecs) of limiter elements normals of the same """ ### TODO: deal with different coordinate systems and dimensions # There will be used first order derivation in the edges and second order derivative elsewhere dR = -np.diff(self.R) dR = np.hstack((dR, [dR[-1]])) dR[1:-1] = dR[:-2] + dR[1:-1] dZ = -np.diff(self.Z) dZ = np.hstack((dZ, [dZ[-1]])) dZ[1:-1] = dZ[:-2] + dZ[1:-1] lim_vec = np.vstack((dR, dZ, np.zeros(np.shape(dR)))) pol = lim_vec/np.linalg.norm(lim_vec, axis=0) tor = [0, 0, 1] normal = np.cross(pol, tor, axis=0) normal = normal / np.linalg.norm(normal, axis=0) return normal
[docs] @deprecated('Replaced by ``incidence_angle_sin``.') def incidence_angle_cos(self, vecs): """ :param vecs: array (3, N_vecs) :return: array of cosines of angles of incidence """ return flux_expansion.incidence_angle_sin(self, vecs)
[docs] def incidence_angle_sin(self, vecs): """ :param vecs: array (3, N_vecs) :return: array of sines of angles of incidence """ return flux_expansion.incidence_angle_sin(self, vecs)
[docs] @deprecated('Replaced by ``impact_angle_sin``') def impact_angle_cos(self): """ Impact angle calculation - dot product of PFC norm and local magnetic field direction. Internally uses `incidence_angle_sin` function where `vecs` are replaced by the vector of the magnetic field. :return: array of impact angles cosines """ return flux_expansion.impact_angle_sin(self)
[docs] def impact_angle_sin(self): """ Impact angle calculation - dot product of PFC norm and local magnetic field direction. Internally uses `incidence_angle_sin` function where `vecs` are replaced by the vector of the magnetic field. :return: array of impact angles sines """ return flux_expansion.impact_angle_sin(self)
[docs] @deprecated('Replaced by impact_angle_sin_pol_projection.') def pol_projection_impact_angle_cos(self): """ Impact angle calculation - dot product of PFC norm and local magnetic field direction poloidal projection only. Internally uses `incidence_angle_sin` function where `vecs` are replaced by the vector of the poloidal magnetic field (Bphi = 0). :return: array of impact angles cosines """ return flux_expansion.impact_angle_cos_pol_projection(self)
[docs] def impact_angle_sin_pol_projection(self): """ Impact angle calculation - dot product of PFC norm and local magnetic field direction poloidal projection only. Internally uses `incidence_angle_sin` function where `vecs` are replaced by the vector of the poloidal magnetic field (Bphi = 0). :return: array of impact angles cosines """ return flux_expansion.impact_angle_cos_pol_projection(self)
@property def dists(self): """ distances between spatial steps along the tracked field line Distance is returned in psi_n for dim = 1. In meters otherwise. :return: self._dists """ if self.grid: raise TypeError('The grid is used - no distances between spatial steps will be calculated') if not hasattr(self, '_dists'): if self.dim == 1: self._dists = (self.x1[1:] - self.x1[:-1]) elif self.dim == 2: self._dists = np.sqrt((self.x1[1:] - self.x1[:-1]) ** 2 + (self.x2[1:] - self.x2[:-1]) ** 2) elif self.dim == 3: self._dists = np.sqrt((self.X[1:] - self.X[:-1]) ** 2 + (self.Y[1:] - self.Y[:-1]) ** 2 + (self.Z[1:] - self.Z[:-1]) ** 2) return self._dists @property def cum_length(self): """ Cumulative length along the coordinate points. :return: array(N) """ if not hasattr(self, '_cum_length'): self._cum_length = np.hstack((0, np.cumsum(self.dists))) return self._cum_length @property def length(self): """ Total length along the coordinate points. :return: length in meters """ if not hasattr(self, '_cum_length'): self._cum_length = np.hstack((0, np.cumsum(self.dists))) return self._cum_length[-1] def _evaluate_input(self, *coordinates, coord_type=None, **coords): from collections import Iterable if len(coordinates) == 0: # todo: self.dim = 0 xy = [] xy_name = [] for key, val in coords.items(): if key in self._valid_coordinates and val is not None: if isinstance(val, Iterable): if not isinstance(val, np.ndarray): val = np.array(val, ndmin=1) if len(val.shape) == 0: val = val.reshape((len(val), 1)) else: val = np.array(val, ndmin=1) xy.append(val) xy_name.append(key) self.dim += 1 coord_type_ = () if self.dim == 0: coord_type_ = () elif self.dim == 1: self._x1_input = xy[0] coord_type_ = tuple(xy_name) elif self.dim == 2: if tuple(xy_name) in self._valid_coordinates_2d: self._x1_input = xy[0] self._x2_input = xy[1] coord_type_ = tuple(xy_name) elif tuple(xy_name[::-1]) in self._valid_coordinates_2d: self._x1_input = xy[1] self._x2_input = xy[0] coord_type_ = tuple(xy_name[::-1]) if len(self._x1_input) != len(self._x2_input) and not self.grid: raise ValueError('All coordinates should contain same dimension.') else: raise ValueError('Invalid combination of input coordinates.') elif self.dim == 3: # if tuple(xy_name) in self._valid_coordinates_3d: permutations = list(itertools.permutations(xy_name)) # if any([p in self._valid_coordinates_3d for p in permutations]): # # # todo: implement various order of coordinates # self._x1_input = xy[0] # self._x2_input = xy[1] # self._x3_input = xy[2] # coord_type_ = tuple(xy_name) # todo: make function and use for all valid = list(self._valid_coordinates_3d) # find the index of the valid coordinate system with known coordinate order ii = [set(item) for item in valid].index(set(xy_name)) actual = valid[ii] self._x1_input = coords[actual[0]] self._x2_input = coords[actual[1]] self._x3_input = coords[actual[2]] coord_type_ = tuple(actual) else: # self._incompatible_dimension_error(self.dim) raise ValueError('Operation in {} space has not be en allowed yet. Sorry.' .format(self.dim)) self._coord_type_input = coord_type_ else: if len(coordinates) == 1: xy = coordinates[0] if self.grid: print('WARNING: grid == True is not allowed for this coordinates input. ' 'Turning grid = False.') self.grid = False if isinstance(xy, Iterable): # input as array of size (N, dim), # if (N) add dimension if not isinstance(xy, np.ndarray): xy = np.array(xy, ndmin=2) if len(xy.shape) == 1: xy = xy.reshape((len(xy), 1)) self.dim = xy.shape[1] if self.dim == 1: self._x1_input = xy[:, 0] elif self.dim == 2: self._x1_input = xy[:, 0] self._x2_input = xy[:, 1] elif self.dim == 3: self._x1_input = xy[:, 0] self._x2_input = xy[:, 1] self._x3_input = xy[:, 2] else: self._incompatible_dimension_error(self.dim) else: # 1d, one number self.dim = 1 self._x1_input = np.array([xy]) elif len(coordinates) == 2: self.dim = 2 x1 = coordinates[0] x2 = coordinates[1] # assume _x1_input and _x2_input to be arrays of size (N) if not isinstance(x1, np.ndarray): x1 = np.array(x1, ndmin=1) if not isinstance(x2, np.ndarray): x2 = np.array(x2, ndmin=1) self._x1_input = x1 self._x2_input = x2 elif len(coordinates) == 3: self.dim = 3 x1 = np.atleast_1d(coordinates[0]) x2 = np.atleast_1d(coordinates[1]) x3 = np.atleast_1d(coordinates[2]) # assume _x1_input and _x2_input to be arrays of size (N) if not isinstance(x1, np.ndarray): x1 = np.array(x1, ndmin=1) if not isinstance(x2, np.ndarray): x2 = np.array(x2, ndmin=1) if not isinstance(x3, np.ndarray): x3 = np.array(x3, ndmin=1) self._x1_input = x1 self._x2_input = x2 self._x3_input = x3 else: self._incompatible_dimension_error(len(coordinates)) self._coord_type_input = self._verify_coord_type(coord_type) self._convert_to_default_coord_type() if self.dim != 2 and self.grid: print('WARNING: grid == True is not allowed for dim != 2 (yet).' 'Turning grid = False.') self.grid = False def _verify_coord_type(self, coord_type): if isinstance(coord_type, str): coord_type = (coord_type,) if self.dim == 0: ret_coord_type = () elif self.dim == 1: if coord_type is None: ret_coord_type = ('psi_n',) elif tuple(coord_type) in self._valid_coordinates_1d: ret_coord_type = tuple(coord_type) else: ret_coord_type = ('psi_n',) print("WARNING: _coord_type_input is not correct. \n" "{} is not allowed \n" "Force set _coord_type_input = ('psi_n',)" .format(tuple(coord_type))) elif self.dim == 2: if coord_type is None: ret_coord_type = ('R', 'Z') elif tuple(coord_type) in self._valid_coordinates_2d: ret_coord_type = tuple(coord_type) elif tuple(coord_type[::-1]) in self._valid_coordinates_2d: ret_coord_type = tuple(coord_type[::-1]) else: ret_coord_type = ('R', 'Z') print("WARNING: _coord_type_input is not correct. \n" "{} is not allowed \n" "Force set _coord_type_input = ('R', 'Z')" .format(tuple(coord_type))) elif self.dim == 3: if coord_type is None: ret_coord_type = ('R', 'Z', 'phi') elif tuple(coord_type) in self._valid_coordinates_3d: ret_coord_type = tuple(coord_type) else: ret_coord_type = ('R', 'Z', 'phi') print("WARNING: _coord_type_input is not correct. \n" "{} is not allowed \n" "Force set _coord_type_input = ('R', 'Z', 'phi')" .format(tuple(coord_type))) else: raise ValueError('Operation in {} space has not be en allowed yet. Sorry.' .format(self.dim)) # todo: make order dependent! return ret_coord_type def _incompatible_dimension_error(self, dim): raise ValueError('Operation in {} space has not be en allowed yet. Sorry.' .format(dim)) def _convert_to_default_coord_type(self): if self.dim == 0: return elif self.dim == 1: # convert to psi_n if self._coord_type_input == ('psi_n',): self.x1 = self._x1_input elif self._coord_type_input == ('psi',): psi = self._x1_input self.x1 = (psi - self._eq._psi_axis) / \ (self._eq._psi_lcfs - self._eq._psi_axis) elif self._coord_type_input == ('rho',): self.x1 = self._x1_input ** 2 else: raise ValueError('This should not happen.') self.x1 = np.array(self.x1, copy=False, ndmin=1) elif self.dim == 2: # only (R, Z) coordinates are implemented now if self._coord_type_input == ('R', 'Z'): self.x1 = self._x1_input self.x2 = self._x2_input elif self._coord_type_input == ('r', 'theta'): # todo COCOS r_mgax, z_mgax = self._eq._mg_axis cc = - self.cocos_dict['sigma_pol'] * self.cocos_dict['sigma_cyl'] self.x1 = r_mgax + self._x1_input * np.cos(self._x2_input) self.x2 = z_mgax + cc * self._x1_input * np.sin(self._x2_input) self.x1 = np.array(self.x1, copy=False, ndmin=1) self.x2 = np.array(self.x2, copy=False, ndmin=1) elif self.dim == 3: # only (R, Z) coordinates are implemented now # if self._coord_type_input == ('R', 'Z', 'phi'): if any([p == ('R', 'Z', 'phi') for p in itertools.permutations(self._coord_type_input)]): self.x1 = np.asanyarray(self._x1_input) self.x2 = np.asanyarray(self._x2_input) self.x3 = np.asanyarray(self._x3_input) # elif self._coord_type_input == ('X', 'Y', 'Z'): elif any([p == ('X', 'Y', 'Z') for p in itertools.permutations(self._coord_type_input)]): # todo: COCOS # R(1)**2 = X(1)**2 + Y(2)**2 # Z(2) = Z(3) # phi(3) = atan2(Y(2), X(1)] cc = self.cocos_dict['sigma_cyl'] self.x1 = np.sqrt(self._x1_input ** 2 + self._x2_input ** 2) self.x2 = self._x3_input self.x3 = np.arctan2(cc * self._x2_input, self._x1_input) self.x1 = np.array(self.x1, copy=False, ndmin=1) self.x2 = np.array(self.x2, copy=False, ndmin=1) self.x3 = np.array(self.x3, copy=False, ndmin=1)
[docs] @deprecated('This function needs to be tested.') def line_integral(self, func, method='sum'): """ func = /oint F(x,y) dl :param func: self - func(X, Y), Union[ndarray, int, float] or function values or 2D spline :param method: str, ['sum', 'trapz', 'simps'] :return: """ import inspect import numpy as np from scipy.integrate import trapz, simps, quad # dx = np.hstack((0, np.cumsum(self.dists))) # first evaluate the dimension of coord - self and the function if self.grid: raise TypeError( 'The grid is used - currently not possible to calculated the line average value from grid') if self.dim == 1: if method == 'sum': x1 = (self.x1[1:] - self.x1[:-1]) / 2 else: x1 = self.x1 if inspect.isclass(func) or inspect.isfunction(func): func_val = func(x1) elif isinstance(func, float) or isinstance(func, int): func_val = func elif inspect.ismodule(inspect.getmodule(func)): func_val = func(x1) else: if method == 'sum': func_val = (func[1:] + func[:-1]) / 2 else: func_val = func if method == 'sum': line_integral = np.sum(func_val * self.dists) elif method == 'trapz': line_integral = trapz(func_val, dx) elif method == 'simps': line_integral = simps(func_val, dx) else: line_integral = None elif self.dim == 2: if method == 'sum': x1 = (self.x1[1:] + self.x1[:-1]) / 2 x2 = (self.x2[1:] + self.x2[:-1]) / 2 else: x1 = self.x1 x2 = self.x2 if inspect.isclass(func) or inspect.isfunction(func): func_val = func(x1, x2) elif isinstance(func, float) or isinstance(func, int): func_val = func elif inspect.ismodule(inspect.getmodule(func)): func_val = func(x1, x2) else: if method == 'sum': if func.ndim == 1: func_val = (func[1:] + func[:-1]) / 2 else: func_val = (func[1:, 1:] + func[:-1, :-1]) / 2 else: func_val = func if method == 'sum': line_integral = np.sum(func_val * self.dists) elif method == 'trapz': if func_val.ndim == 1: line_integral = trapz(func_val, dx) else: line_integral = trapz(trapz(func_val, x1), x2) elif method == 'simps': if func_val.ndim == 1: line_integral = simps(func_val, dx) else: line_integral = simps(simps(func_val, x1), x2) else: line_integral = None elif self.dim == 3: raise TypeError('The 3D function was given - line averaged value needs 2D') return line_integral
# def line_average(self, func, method="sum"):